Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"On the other hand, you have different fingers." Steven Wright

"Is it weird in here, or is it just me?" Steven Wright.

This will be one of those random thoughts posts that pop up from time to time. Fair warning has been given.

Last night my sweetheart (Cindy) and I took the opportunity to go and view the final installment of the Hunger Games. I thought it was done well even with some things quickly introduced early and left in the rear-view mirror far too soon. I get it (I think). There is story information that is important that can be introduced without depth but the transitions between them early on left me wanting more. Overall, though, an enjoyable evening out. About an hour into the film my wife's phone started to vibrate again and again and again so I was hoping that no one in the extended family had been injured or become ill. Finally someone sent me a text message asking where their Mother was because they had scheduled their monthly book club chat for last night and they were waiting for her to join the call. Hilarious! I almost laughed out loud when reading the message (Cindy picked the book). She was also amused when I showed it to her. And don't worry there wasn't anyone sitting anywhere near us so we didn't disturb the audience.

At my place of employment we have a gift exchange each year as part of the Christmas party. Last year the owner decided to have everyone bring something that we imagined that the person whose name we drew from a hat would want as a child. After the party these items are donated to a local program that provides gifts and other holiday cheer to needy families in the community. What a great idea. I hope others will do the same. The group we are donating to this year is helping families that will have no Christmas without some help. They bring it all - food, tree, decorations, and gifts. I may have to look into helping deliver to some of these homes. We'll see if it can be worked in to the schedule.

Thanksgiving has become my second favorite holiday behind Labor Day. When our family was young we decided that it would be easier for us to travel to visit grandparents and extended members of the family. Then we would stay home for Christmas. Now that the children and grandchildren are scattered around the country a bit we will travel to them for Thanksgiving. We always have multiple of our offspring in attendance whether we are at our house, in the Denver, CO area, or in the Provo, UT area. So far we have not made it to Nashville for this holiday but maybe we can begin planning for a coming year. It is those children and grandchildren that make it such an event for me. This year we had everyone at our home (except the Nashville crew) and it was a very busy time. 5 granddaughters, 2 grandsons, and their parents made for a lot of running and jumping and squealing and other forms of merriment that make me smile just writing about it. A good time was had by all.

We will be joining the Utah kids for Christmas and then Cindy will be flying to Nashville, TN out of Salt Lake City while I return home for work. Another grandchild on the way so Cindy will be there for the arrival (we hope) and to get acquainted for a day or two before returning home. The dogs and I will survive with her out of town, though, I will be accused (by the dogs) of forcing her to desert them. Upon her return all will be forgiven and I will be relegated to second class citizen again.


So true.

I warned you at the beginning. Random thoughts today.

Thanks for checking in. More to come soon. See you then.

1 comment:

  1. Thanksgiving was great. I"m so glad almost everyone was able to come.
