I don't want anyone to misunderstand here. I am up and in my scriptures every day by about 5:10 am. Currently I am reading in the Book of Mormon and the New Testament. I read and ponder over at least a chapter or two in each, every morning, with an occasional cross reference search when something really catches my attention. I also spend some time with the book written by Tad R. Callister titled "The Infinite Atonement" followed by a few minutes of prayerful preparation for the day ahead. You might think that this would be enough to keep my spiritual batteries charged - and it is - but what gives me the spiritual lift that gets me through the most trying days is received each Sunday as I participate in the leadership and regular meetings that are held on this day.
My workday during the week begins like many of you at 8:00 am and ends at 5:30 pm. There is a lot of activity during these days and I am usually ready for the end when it arrives. My Sunday schedule this year begins with a meeting at 8:30 am and often does not end until about 4:00 pm. On occasion there are additional meetings later in the day but they are usually ended by 8:00 pm and I am home and done. The workday wears out my body, mind, and even spirit. The Sabbath day wears out my body, but re-charges my mind and spirit. It is that spiritual rejuvenation that makes Sunday a day to look forward to with anticipation.
I have had many opportunities (callings) to serve in the church that have given me wonderful experiences. Relationships with friends and acquaintances have been developed and strengthened as we have interacted in church meetings, when we have served side by side, and as we have had occasion to teach one another gospel truths. My current opportunity (calling) to serve has helped me learn just how much our Father in Heaven loves His children. As I meet with members of the church each Sunday the feeling of His love seems to be manifest in very real ways. Often as I meet with members I hear my voice utter words of comfort, instruction, and counsel that I know did not come from my thoughts or experience but are a manifestation of a loving Father's concern for one of His children.
I had the opportunity, recently, to sit with a family in our Ward who were meeting with me to declare their faithfulness through obedience to the law of tithing. As we were ready to conclude I asked if there is anything any of the family have always wanted to ask their Bishop but never had the chance? They all said no, but then one of the young children said he had a question and asked "Is it hard to be the Bishop?" My answer was simple. I told them (him) that no it isn't hard to be a Bishop. I explained that there are some days when it is very difficult for a Bishop to see the struggle that some go through, but that the good things that a Bishop sees and does far outweigh the difficult.
Moments like this one make it worth it to serve, and contribute to the reasons why, for me, Sunday is the best day of the week.
Thanks for checking in. More to come soon. See you then.
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