Sunday, April 26, 2020

Random thoughts from a random guy.

As I look back at this blog I am stunned that I have not posted for well over a year. There have been many days when I have started to write about something going on in the family but I have just not been able to put into words all the thoughts streaming through my little brain. I'm not sure that today will be any different but a serious attempt to organize and write is underway.

The world is dramatically different today that it was the last time I posted. Our family, thus far, has been spared illness related to the COVID 19 causing virus. Although Cindy has an aunt and a cousin who are being carefully monitored. Her aunt has the virus but has not exhibited any serious symptoms and her cousin has some symptoms and has been tested but has not heard if he has the virus (last we heard anyway). 

Cindy and I are fortunate that we are both able to work from home. She meets with students several times a day via Zoom and I do what I do on the phone and via Microsoft Teams meetings and even on occasion via RingCentral Meetings. It helps to maintain a regular schedule and remember which day of the week we are living in. We still have those moments when we are stir-crazy and really need to get out and do something (but we don't). Once in a while one of us will venture out to pickup food from a restaurant or make a run to the grocery store to grab something that was out of stock when we placed a click list order. Mostly we stay in - working, reading, video chatting with family, and staring at each other grateful for the companionship (at least I am).

This past Friday evening we met with 2 of our daughters at a local park to have a socially distant meal - just the 4 of us. It was a beautiful evening and there were others who had the same idea so we had to be selective with where we sat. It was good to sit with them (no grandchildren) eating a meal together and having conversation. We spoke (well the 3 - Cindy, Holly, Lisa did) about books that have been read, that are being read, and those next on the list to be read. We spoke about those just mentioned grandchildren and some of the fun things they are doing now. We also realize just how much we are missing in the development of the 2 youngest since they are at that age when life changes so very quickly. I listened, mostly, and chimed in when I had an inclination to do so. I realized that while we have a lot of technology that allows seeming quality interaction - face to face is still the better way. 

Earlier in the week we celebrated the birthday of a 5 year old grandson via one of the hangout platforms. We sang "Happy Birthday", he shared what a great and fun day he had with family and neighborhood friends. I am glad we could participate in this fashion and since we live in different States (United States) I asked Cindy why we haven't been doing this all the time for these celebrations. I think we will do this for every distant birthday celebration in coming years when we cannot be proximate (it often takes a crisis to identify such simple solutions).

One of the other positives I see in our current circumstance is that we have the opportunity to get to know our neighbors (from a distance, of course) a little better. Time spent speaking with them from the porch or in the hallway is more than a cursory "how are you? or just a nod of the head. No one seems to be in a hurry to go anywhere and it gives us time to greet sincerely and spend time getting to know each other better. We have a neighbor who I have greeted for several years and spoken to his dog (an old and gray Beagle) but for a long time did not even know his (the man) name, though I knew the dog well. He and I have gotten to know each other a bit better since life has slowed and now I consider him to be a good friend.

Life in quarantine (sort of) is actually pretty good. Oh, I miss personal interactions with gatherings of family and friends in person but, overall, it is pretty good.

Thanks for checking in. More to come soon. See you then.