Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" (Dr. Seuss - Theodor Geisel)

I love that quote from Theodor Geisel.

Even with several very low lows in 2013 I can take a few minutes to look back and smile at many things that occurred during the year. I have long suspected that one of the quirks of my personality that can be frustrating to Mrs. Mahan is that I do not spend a lot of time thinking about or dwelling upon the things that happened yesterday or last week. I try to quickly learn what I can from the day or week and move on to the next.

Some of the things that brought a smile to my face last year include a loss, a wedding, a graduation, a vacation, another wedding, and another granddaughter (number 7).

How in the world can the loss of my Mother (Betty Irene Mahan) bring a smile to my face? It is simple really - she lived for almost seven years without the love of her life (Dennis) and looked forward to the day when they could be reunited. That day came on January 12, 2013 very early in the morning. Yes, there were tears and sad moments associated with this loss. Yes, each holiday or event throughout the year brought a moment or two of missing her. Overall, though, I find a small smile on my face when I think of that reunion. One of our daughters (Lisa) wrote this on her blog shortly after Mom passed;

"In the summer of 2006, a few months after Gramps had passed away and my parents made the courageous decision to leave their home of 20+ years and move closer to their parents, I got to go for a drive alone with Gram after we had helped move my parents (and Kelli) into their new home. We chatted about lots of things, but the conversation turned quickly to relationships and finding the right person to spend eternity with. Gram's advice was to find someone who could make your knees go weak even after 50 years. She told me that with Gramps, sometimes when they were out and about he would catch her eye from across the room and wink at her. And my 67 year old Gram told me with her hand fluttering over her heart like a teenager that she would just turn a bit red and say, Oh, Dennis!

Gram had two of her sons, their spouses or loved ones, and all the Mahan grand kids to love and care for even without my Gramps, but we've all known that she would never be truly happy again until she was reunited with Gramps."

I smile and agree!

Our youngest was married in June of 2013. What a joyous occasion that was for our family. This was the only time we were all together during the year.

We had a great few days to renew our acquaintance and celebrate together. What a blessed few days. My sweet wife blogged about this with her year end post as follows:

"For the Mahans, the highlight of 2013 was Kelli's wedding.  On June 28, in the Mount Timpanogos temple in Utah, she married her best friend, Tyler Esplin.  Of course we were thrilled for them both, and just as thrilled for the opportunity to have everyone together.  As you can see, we are becoming quite the crowd.  These are the people that mean more to me than anything in this world."

I smile and agree!

Kelli (our youngest) graduated from Colorado Mesa University in December. Another smile. Cindy included this on her blog;

"...she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Elementary Education, Math emphasis.  The icing on the cake---she has been hired at New Emerson Elementary, where she did her student teaching, as the 5th grade Math teacher!  The 5th grade teachers job share, so it's a part-time position, but what a blessing!  Especially for a new college grad halfway through the school year!  She loves the school already..."

I smile, and agree!

Each year for the last 15, or so, we have taken as many of our family who are available to Mesa Lakes Resort or Powderhorn Resort on Grand Mesa over Labor Day weekend. This year we were few in number because of all the other events that involved family members through the summer months. It was a quiet relaxing weekend for me which allowed some much needed decompression and introspection. There may be prettier places on earth, but this one we have shared as a family through trial and joy.

The view from the top.

Our oldest (Jennifer) shared this comment on her blog;

"This year, at least a small some of us were able to make the trip for our usual weekend. It was a small group. Really small, but it was so good to get away. As usual, turning into the long drive leading up to the condos, my jaw loosened, my grip became less white knuckle, and I am pretty sure my heartbeat evened and slowed a bit. I love this place. More importantly, I love the people with whom I share this place."

I smile and agree!

When our son (Adam) was at the Language Training Center in Monterey, CA while serving in the Marine Corps he met another Marine named Matt Thorne. They became good friends. Matt became an honorary member of the Mahan gang and his wedding this summer was quite the event. Holly wrote about it in her blog:

"When my brother was in the Marines he met a man named Matt. He brought him to Powderhorn to meet us and he joined our family. Matt got married in New Jersey in August, so Eric, Mom, Adam, and I were able to attend. It was a great excuse to make a trip to NYC."

"The wedding festivities were everything I hoped they would be. We got to sit and listen to Matt tell the many adventures of his dad, the bear whisperer and other stories. The wedding was a fusion of Jewish and Christian tradition. I am grateful to the bride and groom for letting us be part of their day."

I smile and agree! (There are photos - I cannot locate any to post here).

Much has been shared about Mara Mahan Guzman so I will just comment that we are so fortunate to have all these beautiful, healthy granddaughters. Including this newest addition.

 Many other events transpired in 2013 and I am looking forward to another fantastic year filled with joys, sorrows, and many in-betweens. 

Thanks for checking in. More to come soon. See you then.

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