Saturday, June 6, 2015

"It is a wise father that knows his own child." William Shakespear

Last night Cindy (the missus) received a text message from our son (Adam) where he asked "What is Harry Potter's favorite way to get down a hill?"

To which she (Cindy) replied (after turning to me and asking if I knew where this was headed), "What is Harry Potter's favorite way to get down a hill?"

Adam, "Walking."

Cindy, "Ooo-kay..."

Adam, "JK. Rolling."

He then decided to share with his sisters and they replied as follows,

Stef, "Hehehe."

Cindy, "Oh good. Rub it in."

Holly, "This is actually making me laugh out loud."

Kelli, "Hahahaha!"

Adam, "You set it up beautifully."

Jennifer, "Yep. I'm laughing."

Cindy, "Well, it's what I do."

Lisa, (replied with an emoticon laughing so hard it has tears).

And finally Cindy closed out the text conversation with "It's funny-Dad asked me how everyone was doing today when he got home, and I told him I had no clue, I hadn't talked to anyone (except a text from Holly) -so Now I know you're all still out there! Thanks, Adam!"

I also was amused but did not become engaged in the conversation. Those of you who know me are not surprised at this - I tend to be reticent in most situations until input is needed. I can smile right along with these people (and most others) without having much input myself. The most amusing part of this conversation from my side is that Cindy felt that she had to explain to me that JK. was "just kidding" and that "rolling" was Rowling. 

Like most families, I think, some version of this conversation played out frequently in the Mahan household as these children (and their parents) grew up together. And we still enjoy sharing our amusement with each other often. One of the great joys of being father (and husband) to this crew. If nothing else gets passed from my children to theirs, if they get a sense of humor and an ability to laugh at themselves and with their siblings and friends they will have been given (and received) a great legacy. 

I hope they will. I imagine that with the parents and grandparents they have it will probably happen. I had a friend once ask me how our children had become so close and such good friends? I really didn't have an answer for the question then. I'm not sure I do now either. All I can tell you is that when we are together we have fun. And when feelings are tender we usually rally round and give all the love and support we can muster. How we got here? I really don't know. But, we are here and I think we each are better for the journey.

Thanks for checking in. More to come soon. See you then.

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